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About GCP Foundation

GCP Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide solar lights to millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa without access to electricity. Our goal is to bring light to those who need it most, and we believe that solar energy is the way to do it. We work tirelessly to provide solar lights to communities that lack access to electricity, and we believe that this will have a transformative impact on their lives. We are committed to making a difference, and we hope that you will join us in our mission.

We believe that every person in the world should have access to electricity, and we are committed to making that a reality. By providing solar lights to communities in need, we can make a positive impact on the lives of millions of people. Together, we can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to provide solar lights to communities in sub-Saharan Africa that lack access to electricity. We believe that access to electricity is a basic human right, and we are committed to making that a reality. By providing solar lights, we can empower communities and improve their quality of life.


Our Vision

Our vision is a world where everyone has access to electricity. We believe that solar energy is the key to making this a reality. By providing solar lights to communities in need, we can create a sustainable future for all.

Join Our Mission Today!

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